Armie Hammer Says He Had A Disagreement With His Mother About Religion

Armie Hammer shares information about his relationship with his mother, Drew Hammerand how religion led to conflict between the two.
Hammer, 38, and Dru, 62, openly discussed the ups and downs of their mother-son relationship during the Monday, Nov. 4, episode of his “Armie HammerTime Podcast.”
Noting that he has “clear boundaries” with his mother and that he doesn’t want her to “talk to me about God all the time,” the actor began by explaining that “his understanding is that he feels this is too big. part of who you are and what you are and your purpose, is just what you do. Each time.”
He continued, “And we had a time in our life when we didn’t speak at all because I said, ‘I don’t need a teacher, I need a mother. And if you can’t be a mother and can only be a teacher I don’t need that relationship in my life. I don’t need another teacher.’ And we didn’t talk for a while, because you were just like, ‘This is who I am.’ And that’s fine. Everyone is allowed to react as they like when restrictions are introduced.”
Armie went on to tell his mother that he “doesn’t have a problem with your relationship with Christ,” adding that he thinks “everyone has a right to their own spirituality.”
“I think we are all spiritual people, and I have a successful spiritual practice. “Every morning I start by meditating and praying and practicing gratitude – all those things I learned in my recovery,” he says. “Where you and I get into trouble is when I feel like my spirituality is not exactly the same as your spirituality, so you try to proselytize or convert or bring me half a dozen bibles or whatever to claim my spirituality. to be exactly like yours. And I think that’s where we get into the weeds with it. At least, that’s how it feels to me.”
When his mother began to share stories about the origins of her gifted Bibles, “healing a lot” and more about her religious views, Armie interrupted her to get back to the root of her original topic.
“I’m really trying to respect your time and your talk, but we haven’t gotten back to the point I talked about, which is our personal relationship,” she said. “I expressed my feelings about our personal relationship and you then talked about Christ. That’s what I feel is causing a rift in our relationship, when I feel like you and I don’t connect well on a personal level because it feels like to me, everything that comes up is your opportunity to talk about Christ. Best of all, [but] the fact that it feels like an obstacle to us having a personal relationship is the reason I feel like we haven’t spoken in a long time.”
In response, Dru said, “To be honest, what I was saying is that I believe as a Christian, that’s what we’re called to do. So he came from that perspective, and what I was doing was explaining why I was doing what I was doing. Because you are called to be an actor. I am called to be an evangelist.”
Armie first announced his podcast in October via Instagram.
“He is trying to save himself,” said the source Us Weekly in November, he added that his current financial situation is playing a big role in his return to society.
Before joining the podcast scene, i Social network The actor has come under fire for a series of allegations, including sexual harassment and cannibalism. Although Hammer vehemently denied the claims and never faced charges, his career and personal life suffered major setbacks.
In 2020, he and his ex-wife Elizabeth Chambers separation after 10 years of marriage. The pair, who share children Harper and Ford, finalized their divorce in 2023. As for his career, his last role was in the movie 2022. Death in the Nile.
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