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Why blockchain technology will drive the future of cryptocurrencies

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The recent cryptocurrency boom proves the viability of digital currency.

In the latest episode of Financial Freestyle with Ross Mac, Armando Pantoja joins Ross Mac to discuss the booming cryptocurrency market and the misunderstood technology behind it.

Pantoja, a former cryptology graduate student, is now a passionate proponent of cryptocurrency—though his enthusiasm wasn’t always assured. He recalls the cryptocurrency exchange crash of 2013, which caused him to withdraw from the market. However, his opinion changed in 2015 with the emergence of ethereum.

“I was interested in the computing side of ethereum (ETH-USD). How did this whole program work,” continued Pantoja. “I saw … how things work … how assets go down, how they evolve and got me into stocks, got me into crypto, got me into technology investing.” This information led Pantoja to create ICO Ranker in 2017, which he would sell one year later to 360 Blockchain Inc. for $ 1.8 million.

Today, Pantoja is a crypto and blockchain expert, who often travels to speak about the transformative potential of blockchain technology. As he told Mac, much of the skepticism surrounding cryptocurrencies stems from a lack of understanding of the blockchain. “The problem [is] that many people do not understand that cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is what makes everything so secure,” said Pantoja. His reasoning is that “it is the most secure database ever created… There is… almost no way to lose data. And the third is that it cannot be interrupted.”

For Pantoja, the true innovation is not in the cryptocurrencies themselves but in the underlying technology.

“Technology and if you understand that technology cannot be stopped,” continued Pantoja. “We will understand that everyone in the world, every organization, every country will have to accept this way of doing things because of…[the}technologycan’tbestopped”Pantojacontinues“We’llunderstandthateverybodyoneearthhallorganizationseverycountrywillhavetoacceptthiswayofdoingthingsbecauseof…thetransformativenatureoftheblockchaintechnology”[the}technologycan’tbestopped”Pantojacontinues“We’llunderstandthateverybodyonearthallorganizationseverycountrywillhavetoacceptthiswayofdoingthingsbecauseof…thetransformativenatureoftheblockchaintechnology”

Financial Freestyle with Ross Mac at Yahoo Finance is dedicated to promoting economic prosperity for all. With expert insights, practical advice, and inspiring success stories, we empower you to build and grow wealth. Join us on this transformative journey towards financial freedom and inclusive economic growth.

This post was written by John Tejada.

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