Google must sell Chrome to restore competition in internet search, says US Justice Department

Alphabet Inc’s Google must sell its Chrome browser, share data and search results with competitors and take other steps – including selling Android – to end its independence in internet search, prosecutors argued to a judge on Wednesday.
The measures introduced by the Justice Department are part of a landmark case in Washington that has the potential to reshape how users access information.
They will be there for about ten years, forced through a court-appointed committee to fix what the judge in charge of the case deemed an illegal monopoly on search and related advertising in the US, where Google processes 90 percent of searches.
“Google’s illegal behavior deprives competitors not only of important distribution channels but also of distribution partners that can allow competitors to enter these markets in new and innovative ways,” the Department of Justice and antitrust authorities said in a statement filed in court on Wednesday.
Their proposals include ending exclusive deals under which Google pays billions of dollars annually to Apple and other device vendors to make the search engine the default on their tablets and smart phones.
Google is critical of the proposals
Google called the proposals dramatic in a statement on Thursday.
“The DOJ’s approach will lead to unprecedented government intrusion that could harm American consumers, developers and small businesses — and jeopardize America’s economic and technological leadership at a time when it is most needed,” said Alphabet chief legal officer Kent Walker.
US District Judge Amit Mehta has scheduled a hearing on the motions for April, although President-elect Donald Trump and the next head of the anti-trust Justice Department could intervene and change the course of the case.
The proposals are wide-ranging, including barring Google from re-entering the browser market for five years and insisting that Google sell its Android mobile operating system if other remedies fail to restore competition. The Justice Department also requested a ban on Google buying or investing in rival search engines, query-based artificial intelligence products or advertising technologies.
Publishers and websites will also be given an opt-out option for training Google’s AI products.
A five-person technical committee appointed by the judge will ensure compliance with the law under the prosecutors’ proposals. The committee, which Google will pay for, will have the power to search for documents, interview employees and examine software code, the filing showed.
Chrome is the backbone of Google’s business
These measures are collectively designed to break the “endless feedback loop that continues to entrench Google” by using more users, data and advertising dollars, prosecutors said.
Chrome is the world’s most used web browser and is the backbone of Google’s business, providing a user experience that helps the company target ads more effectively and more profitably.
Google used Chrome and Android to favor its search engine to harm competitors, prosecutors said.
Google has said that separating Chrome from Android, which is built on open source code and is free, would hurt the companies it builds on to develop their products.
The proposals would prevent Google from requiring Android devices to install its search or AI products.
Google would have the option to sell the software instead of complying. The Justice Department and state antitrust regulators would have to approve any potential buyers.
Google will have a chance to present its own proposals in December.
It is required for data sharing
Google would be required under the proposals to license search results to competitors for a nominal fee and share the data it collects on users with competitors for free. It will be restricted from collecting any user data that it cannot share due to privacy concerns.
Prosecutors made the proposals after speaking to companies that compete with Google, including search engine DuckDuckGo.
“We think this is a really big deal and will lower the barriers to competition,” said Kamyl Bazbaz, head of public affairs at DuckDuckGo.
DuckDuckGo has accused Google of trying to evade European Union laws requiring data sharing. Google has said it will not risk user trust by providing sensitive data to competitors.
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