GUTFELD: The left became everything they hated

I’m here. I’m here. Chair of the Joint Chief of Sexualities. Happy Monday everyone. So with Trump’s election, Mexico is now planning to tighten its borders. This is because Canada is also involved in illegal immigration. When asked why, officials point to an influx of liberal celebrities that may overwhelm their obesity treatment centers. My God. Because they are fat.
Last week, Donald Trump met with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at Mar-a-Lago. It was difficult for them to see each other since Trump could only see heads. Their shoes are being polished. Joe Biden was seen wandering through the Amazon rainforest after making the statement. If you don’t know where he’s been, don’t worry. He didn’t either. When told he was on Amazon, Joe said, Tell them I paid for two day shipping on my Depends.
Turns out the Harris campaign gave Oprah $2.5 million in that disastrous Kamala town hall. It’s not the first million, as reported. That fee comes to $10 a pound. I know. It’s funny. And an Air Portugal flight was grounded after 132 hamsters escaped around the plane. Didn’t Richard Gear announce that he was leaving the country? I think they found out where his lost luggage went. But the passengers knew something was wrong when the driver flashed your donkey sign. Tight spaces. They love them.
Doctors warn of a condition called winter penis, where low temperatures can cause it to shrink up to 50%. They also warn of Behar’s penis, where exposure to Joy Behar can cause the penis to shrink in size by up to 90%. Finally, white star Rachel Zegler apologized for her anti-Trump post. It was a fake apology since Bill Clinton said, I’m sorry to hear your parents are out of town. That’s right. It’s Monday.
Over the weekend, Donald Trump once again hit Madison Square Garden for one of his unique Nazi rallies. You know, the ones that contain about as many Nazis as Ben Stiller’s bar mitzvah. That he was greeted warmly would be like saying, I’m not a bad looking guy. Trump entered with his entourage, including Elon, Tulsi, RFK, Vivek and Kid Rock. It looked like an ad for workplace diversity. Apart from these people, they have achievements. Yes, it was a bunch of men who were born that way. So the Democrats’ worst nightmare. Thousands of penises are not inside a woman’s changing room. Of course, most of these men voted for Trump, and so did their wives, girlfriends and pit bulls. Here’s what it looked like.
That’s right. However, CNN will refer to ancient Rome. They ended up having an audience. But it wasn’t just the UFC that was being celebrated. Trump’s dance has taken over the NFL.
Now, if you listen closely, you can actually hear Colin Kaepernick rolling over in his grave. And he’s not dead yet. Yes. But it’s the kind of thing the other side will never get today. And right now, the Dems are wondering why.
Of course, they have to literally pay their friends to join them. It’s a question echoing throughout the liberalverse Why don’t we have Rogan? Where is our Elon?
Well, it’s easy. You had Rogan, you had Elan, you even got me in college. But who didn’t? At that time, all that was needed was a lukewarm Zima. The truth is, in the intolerant world the Dems have created, no one can exist like Rogan or Musk. And it’s because you attract such people. You need freedom of thought. Or hell, any thought at all.
So how did the Democratic Party get here? However, the first was a lazy way. Rather than making policies that benefit the American people. They recklessly enter the toxic path of ego politics. This was unimaginative. It was the end of the thought. Like when you’re in a coma or watching Fox and Friends.
Their conversations were never about what we could fix or what we could build. Instead, they begin and end with who I am and why I am better than you. They turned everything into a self-defeating contest with their egos as a diuretic.
Now, if you wanted to meet something, you were a local celebrity, especially if that place was a college campus or a newsroom. But as this outcry grew louder and more media invertebrates fell into line, resistance began to resemble the First Amendment.
Common people wanted freedom not to be cancelled. And that’s where Musks and Rogan come in. They were revolutionaries. They were not against them. So you cannot be resistant if you are a controlling machine, controlling all thoughts. That’s why they couldn’t create their own Rush Limbaugh or their own Twitter. The left turned into everything they hated the right. It’s been the worst change since Admiral Levine put on his pump boots.
The machine cannot make its own resistance. Resistance leaves, and you are left with humorless hags, like Joy Reid, who destroys viewers faster than her hair. So are the Dems ready to quit and grow up? Well, here’s Jen Psaki doubling down on that objection. Is this information to be directed?
That was on Katie Couric’s podcast, more thoughtful than our colonoscopy. But keep in mind that they are still accepting audits rather than finding out that they have made a mistake. But there’s another reason the Democrat media complex can’t change ego.
Instead of targeting real people, they chose to entertain their industry peers because that’s where the cocktail party is. This is where they can impress people who can write about them in Vanity Fair. Their egos demand it, so they match each other’s thinking. It was a giant circle jerk – emphasis on jerk.
But since they are no longer associated with real people an orange billionaire with brass balls and the determination to call Bull**** did it by standing up and yelling, Fight, fight, fight. He attracted rebels inspired by his fearlessness. You’ve seen them in the UFC, on the street, at football games. They are not afraid to speak their minds. And if you don’t like it, that’s cool. Here is the door. If you can fit your fat ass in it.
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